Saturday, November 27, 2010

Chp 8 & 9

To my understanding and my years of going to grade school and now collegeI beleive that teachers are disigner's most of the time while they are teaching. The teachers have to do alot of designing throughout the years and semesters they teach. Teachers must design lesson plans and other sorts of teaching methods to fit each student because each student learn in many different ways.

The trebuchet simulator is one of the devices that i would use inside a classroom. This teaching method is mostly used to teach lesson about the physics and force it simulates a throwing device and can be used in a competitive setting because they have to manipulate movement of things.

Digital Storytelling is a program that puts primary focus on integrating technology in activities with more infuses on the activity. It is used for majority of group work and working with others. It use for  telling stories between each other using first person narrative using your own voice andis illistrated mostley with still images.

I think that using graphic calculators is very important to use in a mathematical setting. It is used to make math more real because of its ability to graph and plot things on the grapgh. Its also able to do alot more other methods by using variables.

I do think that children could learn from television alone. There are many shows that are out these days that have some type of educational message to send to students, and not only educational but other ways also. I take the cooking channel for instance, even tho the instructions are not written down on paper you can still watch it visually and listen to the instruction and learn how to cook a meal just from watching it on tv. I feel that you can learn from tv alone depending on what your trying to learn, but i wouldnt suggest it.

Learning With Technology. Upper Saddle River, NewJonassen, D., Howland , J. , Marra, R.M., & Crismond, D. (2008). Meaningfull  Jersy : Pearson Prentice Hall.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

week 11 blog

Technology inside classrooms is very important at this point in time as we all know by now, using the virtual games are important to our education as  well as any other technologies used in the classrooms.  I feel that the civilization games have a lot of effect on the students learning about the ways of the world long before they were born. Even when we were in school
I remember playing different games to connect us to the teachings that a lot of teachers were getting us to learn. The three most important simulations to me, that I think would be good for a classroom setting is the discovery principle, committed learning principle and identity principle.
I think that simulations are very useful tools that could be used in the classrooms. Students can benefit and learn many different things from using these simulations during the learning and teaching process. These programs give students a visual way of learning and the students in this generation is basically learning most of their materials from a visual standpoint. There are also different websites that you can use to create your own simulation.
All the simulations are very useful in a classroom setting, but the ones that I feel are most important to the students are discovery principal, committed learning principal and identity principal. I feel that the simulations should be used more often because it is very helpful to students in the learning process.

Jonassen, D., Howland , J. , Marra, R.M., & Crismond, D. (2008). Meaningfull Learning With Technology. Upper Saddle River, New Jersy : Pearson Prentice Hall.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Week 7 blog

From reading this chapter in the book, has shown me that there are alot of different writings that you can make while using the technology in a classroom setting. One of the interesting writings that could be used in a classroom is the callaborating writings. It allows others to write documents sharing them between one another using the writely program sharing things from different formats.

Power points can be very much distracting to an audience, based on the material used in the power point. Alot of the distractions come from the sound effects and pitures that is used in the slides. When making a power point slide thats is based on trying to get your students to learn material about a chapter, you dont wanna use alot of different sound effects and inoppropiate pictures for your slides because that will become the main focus instead of your lessonplan. If I become a teacher I wouldn't use any sounds are pictures to make a power point lesson, I would add a little color and excitement to it just a little to keep the class awake.

Classroom technology is becoming a big thing in today's education and power point I believe is one of the leading uses in classrooms today so it is very important to all the future teachers to make sure when making a power point lesson, try not to use so many things that will lose your kids focus on the main topic.

Friday, October 8, 2010

week 6 blog

PDA's Are hand held tools use to take notes and and to store data in a quick and way. These devices are very helpful to alot of students these days based off the bookl that I read in chp. 2. The PDA is very important and is used by lots of students in this era of education learning.

Slot of the online surveys are used to gather information about a certain typr of class are any type subject that a professor choose to use in a classroom setting. If the teachers use surveys then teaching a class wopuld be much shorter and the students and teacher could save time. The professors and teachers have to make sure that the questions they use have to make sense and follow the study guide of the lesson that the teacher is trying to get across to the students. When makin the survey questions you have make sure that that the questions are short and get straight to the point.

These PDA's can be very helpful if used in a proper manner. It allows students to take notes and create surveys throughout one another and allows them to share with one another by a touch of a button. I feel that if the students and teachers can come together and used these devices in a classroom that great ways of learning and sharing ideas can be a great source and a learning tool.

Jonassen, D., Howland, J., Marra, R.M., & Crismond, D. (2008). Meaningful Learning With Technology. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall.

Friday, September 24, 2010

week 4 spreadsheets

My opinion about spreadsheets is that they can be very helpful in a classroom setting. What makes Excel spreadsheets so helpful is that when using numbers and different formulas, it makes it a lot more easy for a class to see it at one time on the front board from a projector. It’s also faster to calculate any type math because of the ability to copy and paste the formula and adding up the numbers by columns and rows. Not only are spreadsheets used for numbers but its also used for making test layouts and all sorts of different types of assignments made with different types of graphs and charts. This layout is very easy to use and very convenient.

The main advantage that the spread sheet has over the calculator is that is by far way faster to calculate. Unlike the calculator the spreadsheets can calculate more than one answer by a click of a button. It can also get the averages of many different problems in less time. While using spreadsheets you don’t have to clear out the answers then retype in new calculations, u can just easily put in the formula, highlight the row are column and get the answer you need in no time.

Based from the information in the book, the main important functions of the spreadsheet, is to store, calculate and to present the information that have been provided. Basically these are what most people use spreadsheets for, and by storing information makes it a lot easier on the teachers and professors to keep up with the grades of the students by being able to save them on a device of some sort. Calculating is much more faster to get every students grades in a matter of minutes besides using a calculator, and presenting the work such as if you have a presentation where you used graphs or any types of charts it’s a very quick process to use to have your presentation finished in no time.

Jonassen, D. H. (2008). Modeling with Technologies, Meaningful Learning With Technology, (Third Edition ed.).88-89, Columbus, OH: Pearson Prentice Hall.

Monday, September 20, 2010

week 3 blog

The inspiration technology is very interesting based off watching the video. The program has a lot of different ways that it could be used inside of a classroom setting. inspiration makes it a lot easier to used many different assignments by using the many different graphs and diagrams. The main thing that caught my attention is that you have the ability to create your own theme and to organize the assignment in your very own special way that you would like, and that’ll separate a lot of other teachers and professors diagrams and graphs from your own.

The program could be used for many different writing assignments through this program. I do believe that the use of this technology would make it a much easier process to outline a paper. Most high schools I think would make a better use out of it inside its classrooms, because on that level of education is when the teachers are actually trying to teach you how to make a great outline to use for an essay assignment. Then as you go on to college you should already know how to make a correct outline. Another thing about the program is that if you make a mistake it can easily be changed and that makes it faster and much more convenient.

Based off the textbook and my overall understanding about the program and how the technology works is that it is a good teaching and learning tool. It allows others to go in and observe your work that you’ve done and it also allows you to do the same. I think it is good for students to be able to teach each other and to go in and comment and make statements about each others work, because it’ll help them get a better understanding of what they are trying to get accomplished. I think that it is way easier for a student to learn by visual lectures instead of having to just hear someone talk all class period.

Jonassen, D. Howland, J. Marra, R. M. Crismond, D. (2008). Meaningful Learning With Technology. Upper Saddle River, NJ. Merrill Prentice Hill.

Inspiration Software. (2010). Inspiration Videos and Webcasts for Using Visual Learning In Your Classroom.

Friday, September 10, 2010

week 2 blog

Honestly before watching the video and  reading chp. 6 gave me a better understanding on how important blogs are and they are used for a good source of information. I believe that blogs can be a very good source of communication fo r to teachers and students to share ideas between each other and it'll make it quick and easy for both sides to get a undestanding about each others ideas. At first I did think that blogs were a waste of time because i didnt know why people would post them, but now I feel that it is very helpful for all students to have one and to actully use it because it is easy to get information to everyone at the same the same time including your classmates and even the teacher or professor, just like the news paper or the television.

The ways that I can use blog, is to post assingments on the blogger and allow the students to help each other out on each assingment. I believe that if the students can have an opportunity to help each other out on and share ideas and answers between each other it'll make it easy for them to learn. I also feel that it will take alot more stress off of the teacher by letting the students teach each other.


Jonassen, D. Howland, J. Marra, R. M. Crismond, D. (2008). Meaningful Learning With Technology. Upper Saddle River, NJ. Merrill Prentice Hill.