Wednesday, November 10, 2010

week 11 blog

Technology inside classrooms is very important at this point in time as we all know by now, using the virtual games are important to our education as  well as any other technologies used in the classrooms.  I feel that the civilization games have a lot of effect on the students learning about the ways of the world long before they were born. Even when we were in school
I remember playing different games to connect us to the teachings that a lot of teachers were getting us to learn. The three most important simulations to me, that I think would be good for a classroom setting is the discovery principle, committed learning principle and identity principle.
I think that simulations are very useful tools that could be used in the classrooms. Students can benefit and learn many different things from using these simulations during the learning and teaching process. These programs give students a visual way of learning and the students in this generation is basically learning most of their materials from a visual standpoint. There are also different websites that you can use to create your own simulation.
All the simulations are very useful in a classroom setting, but the ones that I feel are most important to the students are discovery principal, committed learning principal and identity principal. I feel that the simulations should be used more often because it is very helpful to students in the learning process.

Jonassen, D., Howland , J. , Marra, R.M., & Crismond, D. (2008). Meaningfull Learning With Technology. Upper Saddle River, New Jersy : Pearson Prentice Hall.

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