Friday, September 24, 2010

week 4 spreadsheets

My opinion about spreadsheets is that they can be very helpful in a classroom setting. What makes Excel spreadsheets so helpful is that when using numbers and different formulas, it makes it a lot more easy for a class to see it at one time on the front board from a projector. It’s also faster to calculate any type math because of the ability to copy and paste the formula and adding up the numbers by columns and rows. Not only are spreadsheets used for numbers but its also used for making test layouts and all sorts of different types of assignments made with different types of graphs and charts. This layout is very easy to use and very convenient.

The main advantage that the spread sheet has over the calculator is that is by far way faster to calculate. Unlike the calculator the spreadsheets can calculate more than one answer by a click of a button. It can also get the averages of many different problems in less time. While using spreadsheets you don’t have to clear out the answers then retype in new calculations, u can just easily put in the formula, highlight the row are column and get the answer you need in no time.

Based from the information in the book, the main important functions of the spreadsheet, is to store, calculate and to present the information that have been provided. Basically these are what most people use spreadsheets for, and by storing information makes it a lot easier on the teachers and professors to keep up with the grades of the students by being able to save them on a device of some sort. Calculating is much more faster to get every students grades in a matter of minutes besides using a calculator, and presenting the work such as if you have a presentation where you used graphs or any types of charts it’s a very quick process to use to have your presentation finished in no time.

Jonassen, D. H. (2008). Modeling with Technologies, Meaningful Learning With Technology, (Third Edition ed.).88-89, Columbus, OH: Pearson Prentice Hall.


  1. I feel what your saying about spreadsheets. They are useful and can be beneficial to education. Using this is a great tool.

  2. Rolando,

    You could be a writer! :)


  3. We have very similar views on Spreadsheets. I believe that the calculator feature on Spreadsheet is the best feature because it allows you to be accurate in many calculations as well as averages for your classroom. It is quick, easy, and useful in so many ways. Great post!
